Subsidiary of Uniadex, Ltd Japan
We are here, on Customer's side

Product Suite To Manage Security And Compliance Issues

Securit Awareness Training Platform
Discover how you can enable your users to make smarter security decisions. See how you can use training and simulated phising tests to manage the ongoing problem of social engineering

Discover how SecurityCoach enables real-time coaching of your users in response to risky security behavior based on alerts generate by your existing security stack
Compliance Plus
Find out how you can deliver engaging, relevant, and customizable content for your organization's compliance training requirements
Learn how you can identify and respond to reported email threats faster. See how you can automate your email Incident Reponse seurity workstream

The World's Largest Integrated Security Awareness Training and Simulated Phishing Platform

Baseline Testing
We provide baseline testing to assess the Phish-prone percentage of your users through a simulated phishing attack. Test our platform yourself for 30 days.
Train Your Users
The world's largest library of cybersecurity awareness training content ; including interactive modules, videos, games, posters and newsletters. Automated training campaigns with scheduled reminder emails.

Phish Your Users
Best-in-class, fully automated simulated phishing attacks, thousands of templates with unlimited usage, and community phishing templates.
See The Results
Enterprise-strength reporting. Both high-level and granular stats and graphs ready for management reports. We even have a personal timeline for each user.
See The Results
KnowBe4's platform integrates all functions in one, easy to use GUI. Kick off training campaigns and simulated attacks i minutes. You can completely customize your own templates, landing pages and simulated attachments, spoof your own domain for simulated CEO Fraud attacks with reply tracking.
Superior Tech Support
As an enterprise customer, you are automaically enrolled in our platinum Tech Support program. We are U.S. based, pride ourselves on very short response times and have an excellent reputation.
Random Attack Delivery
KnowBe4 was the first to provide you with "double-random" message delivery. choose from 15,000+ highly realistic phishing messages, spread over time during working hours. Every employee receives a different phishing email at a different time. New templates from the wild are constantly added and we create "Current Event" templates for you.
Advanced Enterprise Reporting
Executive and enterprise-level reporting gives visibilty into your entire organization's security awareness performance with insights into correlated training and phishing simulation data over any specified period of time. Leverage Reporting APIs to create your own customized reports to integrate with other BI systems.
Unlimited Use
We offer three Training Access Levels : I, II, and III, giving you access to our content library of 1000+ items based on your subscriptions level. Unlimited access to all phishing features with flexible licensing. Powerful new features added regularly.
Risk Scoring
The Innovative Virtual Risk Office functionality helps you identify risk at the use, group and organizational level an enables yo to make data-drive decisions when it come to your security awareness plan.

Generating Industry-Leading Result and ROI

The Benefit of Using KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training
Reduce Malware & Ransomware Infections
Reduce Data Loss
Reduce Potensial Cyber-theft
Incresead User Productivity
User Have Security Top of Mind
Case Study
276% ROI
With Less Than Three-Months Payback*

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A Huge Time Saver For Your Incident Response Team