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Robotic Process Automation(RPA)

The Power of Automation


Robotic Process Automation (RPA) lets software robots take away the boring and repetitive tasks from your key business processes. Mundane work becomes fast, error-free and automated.

Benefit of Robotic Process Automation

Menjelaskan Apa itu Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Bagaimana Penerapan RPA Apa Manfaat Dari RPA Kenapa Harus RPA Tips Menggunakan RPA Yang Baik Dan Benar Langkah Langkah Membuat Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Tutuorial Cara Menggunakan UiPath Untuk Membuat RPA Cara Mudah Membuat RPA Menggunakan UiPath Hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam penerapan Robotic Process Automation (RPA) RPA Cocok Untuk industry RPA adalah solusi bagi Perindustrian Indonesia  Solusi Data integration menggunakan RPA

Jenis-jenis RPA dan beserta juga contoh-contoh studi kasus RPA Manfaat penggunaan Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Terhadap Pekerjaan Contoh Implementasi Penggunaan RPA Benefit pengaplikasian RPA di Kantor Efisiensi Pekerjaan Berlebihan dan Pekerjaaan menumpuk Menggunakan RPA

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RPA can drive savings of as

much as 60%



As many as 80% of your standard, rules-based processes can be automated using robots



When properly implemented,

RPA delivers 100% data

accuracy with zero errors.

32 X


An automated process with
RPA can be 32 times faster
than doing it manually

Better Accuracy

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Software robots never get tired and never make mistakes. They are compliant and consistent

Improved Compliance

Everything robots do is monitored. They execute reliably, reducing risk

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Fast Cost Savings

RPA can reduce processing costs by up to 60%. In less than 12 months, most enterprises see a positive ROI

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Super Scalable

RPA performs a massive number of operations in parallel. Additional robots can be deployed quickly

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Increase Speed & Productivity

Employees are the first to appreciate the benefits of RPA as it removes non-value-add activities

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What Can RPA Do?

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• Process-to-pay

• Order-to-cash

• Record-to-report

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Supply Chain

• Inventory management

• Demand & supply

• Planning

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• Server & app monitoring

• Routine maintenance & monitoring

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• Payroll

• Onboarding & offboarding

• Benefits administration

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Customer Services

• Address change

• Password reset

• Payments

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Convert all kinds of documents into digital data with a high level of precision. No need for manual input, from handwriting, printing, and faxing, to taking photographs of documents. Anyone can experience it immediately from the day they begin using it
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Use Cases:

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Supply Chain

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Product and Services

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Products and Services

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Customer Engagement

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Employee Empowerment

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