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Manage Documents With More




A Document Management System (DMS) is a system used to manage documents throughout their entire lifecycle. DMS handles documents electronically, starting from when the documents are in draft form, reviewed, published, and stored. The main objective of DMS is to provide easy, efficient, and organized access to existing documents. Newgen is the leading provider of a unified digital transformation platform with native process automationcontent services, and communication management capabilities.


Apa itu Document Management System



Keep the wheels turning

No more delays due to vacations or illness, no more gaps in the approval process. Approval requests sent to not available approvers are automatically delegated to their alternates. 


Stay productive and in control

Find your balance between control and efficiency with a conditional approval process. Let minor purchases from pre-approved vendors go through an automated procurement process. Shield large purchases above a certain amount with mandatory approvals from authorized decision-makers.


Automated approval routing 

Allow approval engine automatically forwards submitted approval requests to the right people based on their role in the process, to grant or deny approval within an established time frame. Based on the outcome, approval requests move to next stages of their lifecycle.

Source :

Put your documents to work enterprise-wide

solutions intelligently connect all types of documents and data within the systems and processes you use every day. 

Capture incoming information, no matter its format or source, and make it accessible and usable.

Document Capture

Simplify how document is organized, accessed and used so your team can deliver better, faster results.

Document Management

Make your business processes better, not just faster, with smart automation that connect information across core systems and workflows.

Process Automation

Get products to market faster by efficiently storing, finding and activating digital assets like video, audio, and imagery.

Rich Media Management

Meet your strictest content compliance obligation while protecting againt data loss and cybersecurity risk.

Security and Governance

Deliver Better
Customer Experience

Classify and group customers' documents such as application forms, identity proofs, insurance certificate, claim forms, and others. This enables faster processing of customer service requests and enhances the overall customer experience.


Adhere to the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and other regulations. Documents with confidential
information such as personally identifiable information (PII), and others can be classified as per defined regulations.

Legal Document

Manage litigation documents by classifying documents for eDiscovery, legal hold, legal investigations, and for other cases. Classification enables users to easily access the required legal documents, saving time and improving efficiency.

Reduce Redundant, Obsolete, Trivial Data

use case

Identify duplicate documents within the organization and delete them, resulting in reduced costs for managing and preserving redundant data.


Orgination & On Boarding

Retail & Commercial Lending

FATCA & CRS Compliance

Wealth Management

Trade Finance & Payment System


Correspondence Management

Agenda Management

Citizen Centric Services

Office Automation

Grants Management


Claims Management

Policy OwnerServicing

Service Request Management

Customer  Acquisition & Policy



Procure-to-Pay & Accounts Payable

HR-Hire to Retire

Order-to-Cash & Accounts Receivable

General Ledger

PO & Requisitions



Claims Management

Policy OwnerServicing

Provider Contract Management

Complaint Trackin & Grievance Management


Document Management System With Enterprise Resource Planning

Pengenrtian Document Management Sytem

Focus and Functionality

A DMS focuses on managing and organizing documents and files within an organization. 


A DMS is typically used to manage and control documents throughout their lifecycle, including creation, storage, retrieval, sharing, collaboration, and archival. 

Data Management:

A DMS focuses on managing and organizing unstructured data, primarily documents and files. 


DMS can be integrated with other systems, such as CRM or project management tools, to facilitate document sharing and collaboration within specific workflows or processes.

Business Process Management

DMS Could integrated with all kind of Business Process Management system and focuses on document-centric processes

Sistem Manajemen Dokumen
Sistem Manajemen Arsip
Software Manajemen Dokumen
Sistem Manajemen Dokumen Terintegrasi
Manajemen Dokumen Elektronik
Manajemen Rekaman Dokumen
Sistem Manajemen Dokumen Terbaik
Pengelolaan Dokumen Digital
Manajemen Dokumen Cloud

Panduan Lengkap Sistem Manajemen Dokumen: Optimalkan Efisiensi Bisnis Anda
Sistem Manajemen Arsip Terbaik untuk Mengatasi Tumpukan Dokumen
Software Manajemen Dokumen Terbaik: Solusi Canggih untuk Bisnis Anda
Sistem Manajemen Dokumen Terintegrasi: Solusi Efisien untuk Bisnis Anda
Manajemen Dokumen Elektronik: Meningkatkan Efisiensi Bisnis Anda
Manajemen Rekaman Dokumen: Mengelola Dokumen Bisnis dengan Lebih Baik
Temukan Sistem Manajemen Dokumen Terbaik untuk Bisnis Anda
Pengelolaan Dokumen Digital: Solusi Modern untuk Bisnis Anda
Manajemen Dokumen Cloud: Akses Dokumen Anda di Mana Saja

Document Management System for small businesses
On-premise Document Management System
Easy-to-use Document Management System
Document Management System with advanced search features
Document Management System for team collaboration
Document Management System with email integration
Document Management System for the healthcare sector
Document Management System with high security
Document Management System for digital archiving
Document Management System for invoice processing
Document Management System with access control
Document Management System for contract management
Document Management System for the financial sector
Document Management System with automated notifications
Document Management System for nonprofit organizations
Document Management System for technology companies
Document Management System with performance analytics
Document Management System for long-term storage

Pengertian Enterprise Resource Planing

Focus and Functionality

An ERP system focuses on integrating and managing various core business processes and functions across an organization. 


An ERP system encompasses a broader range of business functions and processes. It integrates and manages data and workflows across different departments, such as finance, operations, sales, and HR. 

Data Management:

An ERP system manages structured and unstructured data across various business functions. It captures and stores data from different departments, integrates information, and provides real-time insights and analytics.


An ERP system integrates data and processes across different functional areas within the organization. It enables data sharing and collaboration between departments, eliminates data silos, and provides a holistic view of the business.

Business Process Management

An ERP system includes robust business process management capabilities. It streamlines and automates workflows, enables process standardization, and supports cross-functional collaboration.


Client's Infrastructure

SI - Managed Cloud
[On Premises Subscription]

Managed Cloud


Use Case Document Management System - DMS

Manfaat Sistem Manajemen Dokumen
Keuntungan Menggunakan Sistem Manajemen Dokumen
Fitur Sistem Manajemen Dokumen
Fitur Pencarian Lanjutan Sistem Manajemen Dokumen
Panduan Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Dokumen
Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Dokumen Langkah Demi Langkah
Perbandingan Sistem Manajemen Dokumen
Perbandingan Sistem Manajemen Dokumen On-Premise vs Cloud
Panduan Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Dokumen Cloud
Panduan Migrasi ke Sistem Manajemen Dokumen Digital


Low Code Digital Transformation Platform

document management system

document management system

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Branch Office Sidoarjo

Branch Office Balikpapan

Ruko Cikarang Square

Jl. Raya Cikarang - Cibarusah, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530

Komplek Griya Inti Sentosa

Jalan Griya Agung Blok M3, No 32-33

Jakarta Utara 14350, Indonesia

Kawasan Industri SIRIE

Jl. Lingkar Timur Km 5.5 Blok F No 25-26

Sidoarjo 61234

Centra Bizpark 2 Blok BRM, Jl. Syarifuddin Yoes No.3, Sepinggan, Kecamatan Balikpapan Selatan Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, 76115

(Inside Somagede Indonesia)



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